Be a Minister Blog - Page #25

How To Cultivate an Open Mind

What does it mean to have an open mind? Why can having an open mind and a growth mindset be so influential? Understand the benefits and explore these concepts as ULC experts break down how to cultivate an open mind.

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How To Support Friends Who Are Grieving the Loss of a Child

Support comes in all shapes and sizes. And as the person giving the support, it's important to keep in mind the 5 stages of grief. Pushing your friends to embrace the anger, depression, and acceptance can be moving.

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Booking a Wedding Is Tough Right Now. Here's How Couples Are Reacting

With COVID-19 still rampaging, and inflation rampaging even harder, it's no wonder that booking a wedding is tough right now. Read and react to this blog about how couples are reacting to these new challenges!

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How To Look for the Best in Others

Being negative is like stoping at McDonalds: it's easy, but you don't feel great afterwards. To be positive, and to look for the best in others, takes practice and time. Luckily the experts at ULC can get you started!

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Wedding Ceremony Scripts Made Easier: Tips and Resources

While getting up infront of a large crowd is daunting enough, thinking of what to say while up there could be even harder! Luckily, ULC has wedding ceremony scripts made easier! Read on for expert tips and resources.

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How To Deal With False Guilt

Guilt is a common human experience that we all feel at one point or another. Experiencing guilt is healthy, however, there is something known as False Guilt. Read what our experts have to say about False Guilt.

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Exploring the Rise in Burial Alternatives

How to be buried isn't a daily thought for most of us. Although when the time comes, our family wants us to be laid to rest the as we had invisioined. Burial alternatives are rising, and you should explore your options.

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The Perks of Becoming an Ordained Minister

ULC makes ordinatioins so easy that with a click of a button, your world can expand. More than just someone who can perform marriages, ULC ministers enjoy a range of powers. Explore this article to see all the perks!

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The Benefits of Knowing Your Church's Core Values

One of the most attractive benefits of being an ULC minister is the ability to start your own church! And the centerpiece of a church is it's core values. This article outlines the benefits of your church's core values.

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How To Become a Wedding Officiant

If you've had the honor of being asked to officiate someones wedding, you probably have one question: how do I become a wedding officiant? ULC experts break down the ordination process in this helpful article!

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We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Live Church ministers com from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."